As all normal students who wanted to make a bit of money, I worked on several construction project as an electrician, thanks to my Father who had his own placement company. I met several interesting people, and especially engineers, most of them were young and happy to hear I will take a similar path as them. I used to work on several construction projects during my vacations.
I finished successfully my 2 years preparation course at EISTI, which granted me the access to the 3 years engineering course hereafter, and, as a bonus, a bachelor in applied mathematics.
I was 19 years old and wanted something more.
I decided to activate my network, built during my short term contracts, and I then created Electricité Informatique Electronique aka EIE, a company dealing with computer and electrical networks. The launch was highly complicated, as problems regarding my age, my skills, trust… were arising. A lot of problems. But finally the company launched in July 2007.